Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis of The Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence

Just Keep Rocking Individuals have struggled with ignorance time and time again, and this ignorance can penetrate every aspect of their lives. In the short story by D. H. Lawrence, â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winnerâ€Å", young Paul has to encounter a series of misfortunate events, due to the fact that his beloved ambitious mother is unworthy of the what she has and each circumstance leads him and his family to great distress. With a burden on his shoulders, he will not stop until he gets what his mother desperately desires. He takes a huge responsibility that no kid at such a young age should take. Paul not only wants to resolve the financial crisis his family has been dealing with, but also satisfy his mother’s materialistic pleasures, because his†¦show more content†¦The only way to be sure of what horse was going to win the next race was by rocking on his wooden horse and so he did this even more. This became more than a habit to him, but also was a secret and a hobby in which he fe lt the necessity to do this more than ever. This was a secret no one knew about; not even Basset or Uncle Oscar. Paul wouldn’t dare tell anyone of how he would be â€Å"sure† of who would win. This at first seemed absurd to Uncle Oscar because he wasn’t really sure of how certain Paul was when it came to gambling. The symbolism that Paul’s rocking horse showed to be was that of someone who constantly did â€Å"non-productive laborâ€Å", Daniel P. Watkins expresses: â€Å"for even when it moves it remains stationary: even while Paul is magically (humanly) creative, producing untold wealth for his mother, he does not advance in the least,†(4) on the contrary he lost social contact with the world because he desperately wants to get there, the place with the answers, as Paul says in, â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner†: Now, take me to where there is luck! Now take me. When Paul’s tragic end came, Hester was finally starting to notice a rare behavior on her child, nevertheless this sudden awareness came awfully late. Paul died from an excessive fever and yet he feltShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The Rocking Horse Winner 1403 Words   |  6 PagesA Tragic End for a Tragic Family: An Analysis of D.H. Lawrence’s â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner,† a short story written by D.H. Lawrence is a testimony to the fact that parents can often harm their children, and yet be completely unaware of it. Often times in modern society, one of the most recognizable examples of this is for instance when a parent makes their child participate in a certain activity; the stereotype is a certain sport. Often times this will end up only harmingRead MoreThe Rocking Horse Winner Literary Analysis728 Words   |  3 PagesThe Significance of The Rocking Horse Winner (An Analysis of Three Messages From Rocking Horse Winner By D. H Lawrence) D. 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